Is Nibiru / Planet X near? I say yes ? It comes around every 6,000 years. The last time was Noah's flood. We saw it in 2011 to 2014 at the South pole, Neumeyer Station 24/7 video camera. Then is disappeared until now 11/2023. This time is will come over the northern hemisphere. This year? Who knows, maybe? Tom Horn said 2029. I get he feeling this year. The Father GOD knows the time and hour. Do we all know the time of our death? NO, no one knows, if you did, your whole life would be changed. For this reason GOD tells no one the time or hour. He just says he will be back and to be ready. Always be ready. Do not be left behind

Sorry if this sounds scary, but I prayed and the Lord told me to tell you. "Be ready" at all times.

updated 4/4/24 - My Birthday - 4/4/58 - 66 years old - 44 years ago I got SAVED - 1980

11/23/23 - These photos are screen shots from Scott's "Planet X News" on Youtube

How big EARTH is to the size of our Sun. NONE of these photos are photoshop-ed to fool you.

11/22/23 - I only put this page together to help Jesus get more souls SAVED.
I do not take any donations, I am not selling any Rapture books, but I did
dream up a Book Cover for fun.


Donate to Planet X News

In 2011 to about 2014. I used to go to the Antarctica Neymeyer "Dutch" Station to view
their free to public 24/7 video. You could control the speed of a entire day. You would
see the sun go down, then it gets dark, then another lite up planet?" or moon? would
start to roll by the sky, a number of planets, not just one. I did some research, I felt lead
too. Nibiru comes by every 6,000 years, a binary "dwarf dark star" to our sun, it has 7 cousins
say the Hopi tribe. They call the "Red Star" and Blue Star" Kachina. First it will appear in our skies to our eyes a blue colored nice looking planet, then days? months later is is seen red with red bozo hair, it's debris trail/tail. This debris trail will rain down on earth many fireballs and solar CME's. I saw this in a vision. It is a dark sun, that will only light up, when it gets close to our sun. You need a infra-red telescope to see it. The pope has one on the top of the Hopi sacred Mt. Graham, AZ. The d.u.m.b. pope named it " Lucifer" That is correct Lucifer the Telescope? WT? Will they let anyone know about the coming of this planet? HELL NO, your just a peasant. In GOD's eye your his baby, He loves you to death. He loves you so much He send His Only begotten Son Jesus. If you take time to seek Christ, you will find him and Him in you. Please do it today, if you never honestly tried to find out that Jesus is exactly who he said he was. Amen









03/15/24 * Planet X News YoutubeSuspicious

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Pass this page around like a football, if you feel lead too?

Now many will say this is Dome's Day preaching, but it is not, it is LIFE after you pass.
You will be taken UP to a Grand Marriage Feast of the Lamb of GOD.

PLAN A - The Real USA Republic coming soon and QFS Gold Back Banking System
and 209 Country Alliance, that Trump had 209 countries sign, while he was President.
In case the Father blows up Nibiru for good and we continue to live on earth.
All these Non-Free $atanic Ma$on$, Je$uit$, Illuminati geek$, have to die off,
then we can LIVE! The $ick $atanic Kabler Lo$er$ that we got now ruining this planet
and losing the hard earned USA over night!
Support JAG Court! Go to RealRawNews dot calm.

PLAN B - The Pre-Tribulation Escape Rapture UP, baby!

Water SmackerAir SmackerHydroxyl Gas™

King of the WavesKing of the RampThe Rock Who Doesn't Roll
The God SquadBe Prepared

updated 4/4/24