

They are a WARNING from GOD updated 12/16/16

Please read below. I spent some time seeking the Holy Father, Creator of the Universe who sent His Son Yeshua ( Jesus) to die for your sins and lead us with a WAY. I ask HIM, "Lord what is creating these sinkholes? No one seems to know, scientists are puzzled and they rarely show them on TV anymore, but they are still coming all over the earth. In April 2014, there were 100 new articles on 100 different sink holes all over the world. I got the scripture below and another sister got the same : Isaiah 24:17 Is CERN creating them? I dunno? That is a grave possibility. RED is my comments. Now please forgive me for adding to Isaiah's scripture below, I'm only trying to explain it more clearly.

Isaiah 24:17 - Fear, and the pit, (sink hole) and the snare, are upon thee, O inhabitants of the earth.
And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; Some are hearing strange noises from the earth or sky? since 2013? Do not be FEARFUL, rather REPENT and SEEK GOD in these times, , , real hard, ,and very seriously. Jesus loves you and will give you his guiding hand, have faith in GOD an JESUS! and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare: More SINKHOLES are coming and larger ones, also fireballs? nuclear blasts? destruction, pits of hell, etc. If you escape the clammily that may fall upon you, a snare is ready for you (Martial Law/Sunday Law/FEMA camps?) for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake. At the same time the windows of HEAVEN are opened and we can look up and escape the pit and snare that will become upon the earth!
The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly.
The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again. (pole shift when Niburi passes our Earth)
21 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth. (The fallen ones, Lucifer the FALSE light bearer and all his demonic angels will be punish all all the bankers and CIA assassins, hired NSA Trollers, BLM activists, False Crisis Actors and all those leaders who do evil to GOD's innocent people.
22 And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited.
23 Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the Lord of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously.

You can escape the end times, get SAVED now!!

Their are 7 other Rapture events in the Bible.

1) Enoch was Raptured. (Gen 5:42, Heb 11:5)

2) Elijah was Raptured. II Kings 2:1.11

3) Jesus was Raptured. (Mark 16:19, Acts 1:9-11 Rev 12:5)

4) Philip was Raptured. Acts 8:39)

5) Paul was Raptured. (II Cor. 12:2-4)

6) Body of Christ (1 Thes.4:17)

7) John was Raptured. (Rev. 4:1)

Some Mayan legunds say that many Mayan natives dispappeared (raptured?) through a portal in a cave near one of their Holy sites.

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RAPTURE = vanished away in a spilt second, no death, your transformed into a spirit body in white ropes. Sounds too good to be TRUE? Who ever wrote this is nuts! Well too many have seen this event in a vision or a dream? Ever since John's life on Patomos Island, man has had visions and dreams of this rapture event. Hundreds on youtube today. Today we are casting his net, reeling in as many souls as possible. Passing out golden tickets to ride the Glory Express. I hear a train a humming, it is not far away. Your invited to the Marriage Feast of the Lamb. You must take the ticket and come aboard. Remember the Polar Express? Well this is the Glory Express where Jesus is the conductor and not tom hanks.

Scottie's Rapture Timeline • Well done, beam me up

People send Bob their dreams and visions for Bob to share
and sometimes interpretation follows.

Lonnie Frisbee & Chuck Smith baptized over
1000 people in the Pacific Ocean in the late 70's. A GREAT REVIVAL the JESUS PEOPLE!

Rosh Hashana or Feast of Trumpets = Rapture? 2014? 2015?
A date to be ready - Sept 24 - 26th 2014, same time as the 7 year Shmitah

Shmitah : 9/25/14 till 9/15/15 - Go learn about it from Jonathon Cahn's new book on the Sid Roth Show. (8/31/14)

Also the 2nd Blood Moon Eclipse ( 10/8/2014) Sukkot Clelbration of the 4 Blood Moon TETRADs that WILL NOT BE around again for another 20,000 years!

So this month of Sept. 24- 26, may be the end of your days on earth? aptured away into a new crystal light body?
If not, oh well, you will be blessed no matter what with Christ invited into your spirit. Amen


150 scriptures PROVING Pre-Tribulation RAPTURE

This Rapture debate will fill your lamp with Holy Oil. Spirital food that fill your soul. It is abit long, about 2 hours in 9 parts.



Rapture Dreams and Visions 2014 and they are many!!
Just let them play while you work, you will get the picture. Be ready people!

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Just listen to Arthur is all you got to do. Of all the preachers, Arthur stands out the most with the cross on his back! All he does is talk about is JESUS and no other subject. With JESUS you can do anything. Listen to this wonderful video of him preaching the gospel. It will make you smile, it will make you cry, it will give you PEACE, LOVE and all you need is JESUS! Arthur is now 71 years old! and he feels and acts like a teenager! What preacher will take the cross off his church and carry it across the world? Only Arthur!


The ULTIMATE Salvation WalkthroughGet SAVED today

(updated 10/7/13) Back to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! that's my King, , I wonder, do you know em'?

Arthur is the 'King of the Net' Preacher!

Just listen to Arthur is all you got to do. Of all the preachers, Arthur stands out the most with the cross on his back! All he does is talk about is JESUS and no other subject. With JESUS you can do anything. Listen to this wonderful video of him preaching the gospel. It will make you smile, it will make you cry, it will give you PEACE, LOVE and all you need is JESUS! Arthur is now 71 years old! and he feels and acts like a teenager! What preacher will take the cross off his church and carry it accross the world? Only Arthur!

Brother Paul Begley News 2014

YOUTUBE TV (real cool stuff I found, that I believe all people of the world should watch one time in their life.)

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updated 12/16/16