The ROCK that doesn't ROLL!
Imagine a cranking concert. . .
There is bud in the air and the bangers have been enjoying the best
rock ever. Van Halen was scheduled to play next but, for some strange
reason, canceled mysteriously. Instead, this jamming rocker and his
group called: "The Rock", showed up.
"Insane! Totally rad! Did you see that dude jam? Far out!"
"Hey, dude, , , He is the Rock."
"What do you mean, he is the Rock? Did you fry your brains or something?"
"No way! That's the Lord jamming on a '57 Les Paul, puts Van Halen
to shame. Check out his equipment.. No one can do hammer runs and
awesome excellent effects like Jesus, dude.
"He is the Rock that doesn't roll!" . . . "Radical bra ! . . . Killer dude!
I didn't know Jesus liked bangers ? ? ?"
"You're right, killer dude, Jesus doesn't like the bangers, He loves them!"
"Don't give me that trash, , nobody or nothing, loves me.
Besides, I ain't going to put my trust in nothing."
"Big mistake, rad dude, , , now you're the one frying, dude. Why are
you going to turn down Jesus for nothing? Doesn't make sense having
nothing for nothing. 'Money for nothing and chicks for free', syndrome dude."
"Hey man, I just want to smoke my excellent buds and be totally rad.
Nobody loves me, , , not even Jesus."
"Hey, , , Jesus died for you and rose from the dead. He loves you man,
honest, he really does. What have you got to lose asking Jesus to come
into your heart, so that you might have real love? So that you can have
your life planted on the Rock that doesn't Roll? Want to pray?"
With tears rolling down Jason's eyes, he knelt down with Matt and asked
Jesus to fill his empty life with love , meaning and peace. Jason asked
Jesus to forgive and help him.
It was the greatest, most excellent concert Jason had ever been to.
Why don't you get rad and ask Jesus into your heart right now? Why
wait? Just pray, and say: "Jesus, I accept you as my Saviour. I really
need your help. I love you and ask you to forgive me of my sins. I
really want to be yours. I don't want to belong to Satan.
Thank you, Jesus, for coming into my life. . . now show me your power and glory."
Remember, , smoking excellent buds and doing crack isn't going to
help you get to know Jesus. Satan will just use it to tear you away from
the Lord. Being a killer dude is not getting stoned, but it is following :
"The Rock That Doesn't Roll." (Larry Norman ©)
What you should do now that you have accepted Christ :
1) Pray daily. (I Thessalonians 5:17, Luke 16:1)
2) Get a Bible & read it daily. (Acts 17:11)
3) Witness for Jesus, tell your friends. (Acts 1:8,5:2)
4) Find a church that believes in Jesus, where the Bible is
preached and you are loved. (Hebrews 10:25)
5) Get baptized in water and baptized
in the Holy Spirit(Acts 2:38)
original "God Squad" message. 1984©
Reprinted 1998. Written by ©Dave Rickard 1984
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