"The Day After The Rapture"
updated 3/10/24
"Rapture" (taken away quickly) comes from the Latin Bible 'rapiemur' meaning in English 'rapture', not in the KJ version of Bible. Also the word "harpazo" is also in the original Greek version, penned by Paul of Tarsus, in which means "violently taken away" faster than a twinkle of an eye. 100th of a second! In the modern King James Bible the word 'Rapture' is changed to "caught up" in I Thessalonians. 4:17
The "Rapture" the event you will believe in , , after it happens. The door will shut. Most folks will be left behind, sad to write. Due to not trusting in your Lord and Savior. Making fun of those who do believe in Jesus and live as if He was their best friend. We are praying and hoping you will change your mind and allow the Savior in. He standing at your door. Knocking, smiling, laughing and calling your name" wake up, time to go." A Grand Wedding Feast is coming, your the bride of Christ, for you found a friend through this life and you hung with Him as best you could. MORE INFO ON RAPTURE.

The Day After Roswell, the Corso book basically tells us that much of modern technology came from downed UFO craft, flying saucers that crashed on Earth. The most famous was the crashed discs at Roswell, NM, in 1947. Well a scientific re-engineering process started years after the crash in Los Alamos, Area 51, NV and other secret bases. 1947, 50 years later 1987 the Corso book came out, where man got the "micro chip and the modern PCB board from", Kevlar™, mylar™, velcro™, fiber optics, metal mixes that can take extreme heat and much more. Some will argue, that man created the micro-chip, read the Corso book to find out.
One day I asked the Lord on high."Father why did you give man modern technology though a little gray demon ? ?" A little gray robot, who was made by taller gray creatures, who are guided by reptilian, snake looking creatures, very obvious demonic beings, all created by Satan, Lucifer the fallen LOSER who can not repent to GOD. You on the other man, can still REPENT and follow Jesus, finally in your lost life. Jesus will NEVER forsake you! Have you had enough with this life? Then choose Jesus now!
I did not get an answer right away, it took months for GOD to reply. His timing, not ours. Sometimes He does not want us to know the answer to a question, but give Him time and he will respond eventually. Have faith. One day, I heard a preacher say "Satan can not create new creations, he can only copy what God has created already." Right then, I thought about the Lil gray giving us technology to the secret military Majestic 12. Supposedly high up clearance US military US generals shook hands with the grays and made them a deal, technology for the right to abduct humans to further their agenda of trying to replicate themselves. All in the Roswell book and others. Ike Eisenhower was forced to sign the Granada Treaty by the deep state of today.
Back to the "right then" I thought so the Lil' grays only have copies of better flying craft ? ? Right then, the Lord (Holy Spirit) spoke to me "They copied the craft of my friends, other space people who are told NOT to come to Earth and interfere with my world down there. The demons do not obey me and they crashed their ships on purpose to leak out the computer. Now the computer has been a great help to mankind, bringing us all kinds of fast communications and knowledge increased. The gospel can be spread fast though computers, phones, etc. That part is great in the eyes of GOD, but the down fall of the computer is the AI computer and the demonic black cube "D Wave" quantum computer at CERN, Switzerland. (AI = artificial intelligence) Look up the D-Wave computer and the AI computer the BEAST computer system of the NWO LOSERS in the end days. They will run the earth for 7 years with this AI computer. They will cause many powerful demons to come up from the hell inside the Earth, though sink holes in the crust's surface, to crawl up and haunt mankind. Cern, Switzerland is located over a demonic gate, where they have the most expensive science project that the world has ever seen. The Hadron Collider, the sink hole maker and demon hole maker and our protective magnetosphere destroyer. I hear "white hats" work at CERN and are stopping/slowing down and sabotaging their evil agenda. Pray for them.
The Day After the Rapture, panic will hit mankind who survive the fireballs and the large comet that causes the shorelines to change though out the world. During this rapturing away, most children will be taken up, out of harm's way. Many will lose their children and panic will be rampant, if you survive. Hopefully you are reading this before the rapture and today you decide to take on Jesus. Give him a chance, just go to your bedroom, alone or with a loved one and fall on your knees, ask the Lord Jesus. "R U REAL? R U the Lord of Lords? and the King of Kings? For I'm asking today. I realize I'm a sinner and I need you to cover my sins with your shed blood, over 2000 years ago. Please allow we to believe in you and today I let you in. Come and SAVE my soul. Come Holy Spirit and fall all over me, forgive me for I have sinned. I need you Lord Jesus in my heart today, make me a new heart that forgives others and trusts in you. Get a King James Bible and read the red letters. When I first read the red letters that Jesus spoke in the 4 gospels, Mark, Matt. Luke and John, these words leaped up off the page and came into my being, I never had a book do this before. Now this happened after I repented and laid my life prostate on the floor of the Cayucos Dolphin Inn, back in Nov. of 1980.
Written by Andrew Morgan Batty ( aka Bro. Andrew) "Batty" is a Welsh name that means "battalion commander" the name came from Rome back in the 1000's, migrated to Wales, Kirby Longsdale, Lancashire. Webster tells us the name means "crazy" when my Grandfather and later the Holy Spirit told it means "battaLION commander" . I am apart of the LION's ARMY, the army of GOD, headed by Michael the Archangel from the Tribe of Judah. Come join the army, do not sit back and do nothing, for you will be accounted for all that you do. I am also a red head ginger from my Mother's maiden name of Morgan, no relation to J.P.Eric Morgan my Grandfather from Nottingham, UK, was a red head, later bald like me. Jesus is the WORD. Rev. 19:13
by Andrew Morgan Batty
(BATTY, a Welsh name that means : BattaLION Commander)
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